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To see our interactive webinar, click here.

We’ll be covering some simple techniques for streamlining your marketing and other processes to free up more time for winning clients.

whiteboardconsulting.ca/staging: Webinar with Ian Brodie

Lack of time is the number one reason Ian hears from many people about why they struggle with their marketing. And often the root cause is that their marketing and other activities are very reactive and ad hoc.

Because we haven’t turned what we do into a systematic, repeatable process, we’re spending way too much time “muddling through” instead of getting the job done quickly and efficiently.

And so it feels like we just don’t have enough time to market and win clients.

But with a little streamlining and introducing more rigour into what you do, you can often free up a lot of time from each process. And do them better into the bargain.

If you want to learn more, check out the webinar here.

Check out Ian’s site www.ianbrodie.com to learn more about his pain free marketing and selling tactics!
